Saturday, November 15, 2008

Palace of Versaille

Yesterday we spent the morning at the Palace of Versaille. It is about 10 miles outside of the city. This is where Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette lived who were later beheaded in the midst of the French Revolution. Quick history (because i didn't know any of this before): the French Revolution started because there was a drought in the mid 1780's. This meant the Parisians couldn't grow wheat to make bread. They were starving and broke due to heavy taxes imposed by the monarchy. They headed out to Versaille to confront their king Louis XVI and were amazed and pissed (sorry about that :) when they saw the Palace of Versaille and how the king and queen were living. Thus started the French Revolution to overthrow the monarchy.
The place is massive and incredibly ornate. The grounds outside are just as impressive with amazing gardens.
All for now...

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