Saturday, November 8, 2008

Street Performer on La Rambla

While i was in Barcelona, i headed down to one of the most touristy parts of the city (but i love the touristy parts) and spent time walking on La Rambla. It's a really wide boulevard where you can find tons of street performers, people selling home made goods, boutiques shops and is just a great place to people watch. In the evenings, it becomes super crowded with people walking around.
Anyway, the pic you see is of one of the street performers who was doing some dramatic Spanish (i assume) tap dancing. He was accompanied by a man playing a drum and a woman who sang. They drew quite a crowd.
When he was done, he very unabashedly put down a large bucket and asked for donations.
I gave him a few Euros to pay for the picture that i took.


Carla said...

Fun! Touristy spots are super fun. That's why the tourists are there! : )

Kelly said...

was he hot? ;)